

Featured here are a few of the top global events in domains of Cultural Heritage (CH) + Digital Humanities (DH) and Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Though categorically listed, the conferences are multi-disciplinary events, inviting speakers and participants from many industries and sectors.

Cultural Heritage + Digital Humanities

For an aggregated list and calendar of CH+DH Conferences, we recommend the following site:
Heritage Conferences 2020/2021/2022

Please note that schedules and locations are subject to change.

Best in Heritage

Award-Winning Museum Projects


AI for G.L.A.M.

Intl Conference on DH

Triannual Digital Heritage Exchange

Culture Geek

Culture Meets Digital Events

UNESCO World Heritage

Events Calendar

Digital Meets Culture

Online Magazine + Events Directory

Museum Next

Shaping the Future of Museums

Digital Frontiers

Public Humanities+Cultural Memory

Artificial Intelligence

For an aggregated list and calendar of AI Conferences, we recommend the following site:
RE.WORK: AI Events

Please note that schedules and locations are subject to change.

Annual AAAI Conference

Multiple Locations


Multiple Locations